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Our target
We aim to develop electronic b2b and b2c commercial solutions which suit to requirements of the 21. century.

There is an internet based B2B system which makes easier the commercial communication between the wholesalers and their partners and makes the trade administration, the data  and the information  flow faster.



How was the web-Catalogue created?

What's new in the web-Catalogue?

What datas does the web-Catalogue work with?

How does the web-Catalogue work?


Web-Catalogue means easier communication.

Web-Catalogue means faster administration.

Web-catalogue means more effective trading processes, faster information and data communication.

How was the web-Catalogue created?

Our company the Webvilag Kft. is developing softwares emphasises the needs of the automotive aftermarket and according to this forms it's products. Among others the TecCom system was developed by us which is used by more than 16 000 partners and more than 4000000 requests and orders flow through it monthly. During our market research we realized that the partners of the wholesalers work with three or four programs.

They use a Catalog to identify the parts, usually it is the TecDoc catalog and if they need an another program from which they can get service informations. They use additional programs to send inquiries and orders and an another one to calculate their own price from the list price.

Our two products can simplify this long winded and complicated procedure.

Our company has developed the e-Catalogue software. This is a local based complex catalogue and ordering system integrating processes and allows through the use of one program what could have been achived before only with the help of three or four programs. Based on this according to the needs of the market we created our latest product called web-Catalogue, which is an internet based catalog and ordering system with up to date price and stock informations.

What's new in the web-Catalogue?

  • It can be reached from anywhere with a web-browser.
  • It automates and simplyfies the trading processes because the identification,request and order processes are available from one surface.
  • All requests and orders are answered by the ERP system so manual work is not needed.
  • The administration of partners can be handled, because the administration surface includes the rights to handle the products,autos and users.

What datas does the web-Catalogue work with?

  • The datas from the TecDoc catalogue
  • The datas of the supplier with cross references.
  • The datas of AuDaCon GmbH service informations which can be ordered separatly but would be available fully integrated into the catalogue.

How does the web-Catalogue work?

  • The products can be indetificitated by car type or engine code or product groups or article number.
  • During the search we can choose the manufacturer of the car, the modell type, the car-body type, performance or the technology of the motor, and the parts would be available in product groups.
  • The inquiries and orders are forwarded to the wholesaler on an electronical way.
  • There is an option on the administration surface to create or modify cars, articles or product groups.
Copyright web-Catalogue 2008